Kanye West Portrait Prep, Study and a Visit to Jeremy Penns Atelier

Mood Board Kanye by Borbay

The second portrait in my series following Jay-Z will be Kanye. To prepare, I hung out with some H.A.M.’s last night. The location? Jeremy Penn‘s studio. The event? Four Loko, hip-hop beats and three artists slinging paint. After the jump, a quasi-Kanye study and some atelier shots.

Penn Lankin and Borbay

Jeremy looking at a strange hybrid of his muse and Kanye, while Bridget Bardot looks on.

Penn Lankin and Borbay

Ari Lankin feeling satisfied and Four Loko’d in front of his evenings combine.

Penn Lankin and Borbay

Ari and me stepped in a monster ice puddle on 23rd Street, so here he is drying his shoes with Jeremy’s heat gun.

Penn Lankin and Borbay

Artist in his atelier — Jeremy Penn chillaxin.

Kanye West Study by Borbay

A bizarre 12″X30″ Kanye study, which I created from both Jeremy’s Kanye drawing and William Murphy, the star of Jeremy’s new series.

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