Mayor BloomBoard, Ride With Authority

Mayor BloomBoard by Borbay

It’s not easy being the Mayor of Manhattan… let alone, an entrepreneurial billionaire. But, Mike Bloomberg gets the job done. So, when a friend suggested I paint a skateboard deck, I thought: who is the least likely guy to wind up on a board? So, to celebrate 4 new NYC social media channels, I present to you: Mayor BloomBoard.

Mayor BloomBoard Painting Process Borbay

It’s like the first day in office… shrink wrapped, clean, hard to see the chaos that will soon lie beneath.

Mayor BloomBoard Painting Process Borbay

Headlines. Some inspired by the Mayor, others, incidental. All, none-the-less connected by virtue of being printed in a NYC rag, and slapped on this piece of pine.

Mayor BloomBoard Painting Process Borbay

There he is, beginning to emerge from the chaos, as is his job. Since I painted a political figure I admire, I’ll share with you that I did vote for his third term. Why? Because in a time of financial crisis, the incumbent who happens to be a financial genius is the right answer. Besides, the effort to unseat Bloomberg was akin to the presidential election — change for the sake of change, a group of kids who realized with Twitter and a pair of legs that they can make a difference. My opinion. Leave yours below if you like.

Mayor BloomBoard Painting Process Borbay

Pondering the looming crisis? Thinking about his next billion? Contemplating a gnarly shred on an Upper East Side-Walk?

Mayor BloomBoard Painting Process Borbay

Coming into focus… wondering about that damn unseasonably early snowstorm.

Mayor BloomBoard Painting Process Borbay

Painted with Payne’s Grey and Titanium White, the Mayor emerges from the news, often tarnished, yet, never truly scathed.

Mayor BloomBoard by Borbay

There he is. Mayor Mike Bloomberg in the new role of Mayor BloomBoard. Happy skating, and here’s looking forward to what lies on the other side of his third term.

Mayor Bloomboard on Square Market

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  1. Almost Dawn says:

    Great deck and good message. Not sure how long you will be able to read it once you skate with it. If you take it out a few times you will probably scratch off most of the paint from rail slides.

    Third term coming up for Mr. Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Nice to see that he has a board.

  2. Borbay says:

    Many thanks! I would say this is a display board first and foremost… though, I’m sure a screenprinted/finished replica would hold up just as well as any other. Thank you for the shout.

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