Painting Process The Guggenheim #4

Guggenheim Painting 4 by Borbay 2012

Back in 2009, my first professional painting was of The Guggenheim. This became an important landmark for my career, so I decided to try it again in 2010. Finally, I decided to make one each year for 20 years. This black-and-white canvas marks year #4 of 20.

Here is the entire process, from start to finish, in just over one minute.

Borbay Paints Guggenheim Gothamist

Last year, The Gothamist was kind enough to make note of the series. And now? A photographic recap of the process, as well as all four Guggenheim’s ala Borbay.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

In 2012, I’ve been experimenting with painting from a black ground… this is how #4 began.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

The implement of 2012? China Markers.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

Starting to get in there with Payne’s Grey and white, mixed for a muddy mid-tone.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

As soon as you nail down that white, you get the feel… now, it’s like a pastel drawing.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

The only color I added, a splash of muddy blue… it will eventually be painted out.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

Propped against the tree after day one… love this picture, it makes no sense.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

Painting in the trees… they will become significant players in this greyscale drama.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

What? What? White tiling on the annex building to the left… met a dude whose pal used to live next door with a sick terrace in an obscenely cheap rent controlled apartment. However, the construction of this Guggenheim addition conflicted with his skiing habit, so he had to abandon the spot. A fine reason to avoid drugs.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

And there is Joe Esposito, fresh from his appendectomy, getting his faux-paint on. He rolled through with some well concealed tall-boys, but alas, the parks people over-eagerly snapped-up our bag… pity. Neigh, tragedy.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

Whitening the rotunda, take that Crest

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

Carefully blending the gradients, there are probably about 25 different tones.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

Sweet satisfaction… adding the tree shadows at approximately 6:15PM summer light.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

Sharpening the dagger on the underbelly of the Gugg. Lights. Reflections. Windows.

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

The Gugg is now fully whited out, and the windows on the turret are complete. At this point, I took a break to chat with an interesting psychologist on sabbatical… he is attending a variety of religious services to gain new perspective…

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

Getting right down to it… you’ll notice the tour bus cruising by. About 30 pass per session, and all you hear is the, shnap, shnap, shnap of digital shutters. Where do all of these photographs go?

Guggenheim Painting Process No 4 by Borbay

There she lies, just prior to signing, in context.

Guggenheim Painting 4 by Borbay 2012

Complete! Guggenheim #4, 30″X30″, acrylic and china marker on canvas.

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