Long Island City Pepsi Sign Painting by Borbay

Pepsi Sign Long Island City Painting by Borbay

I’m delighted to present my latest commissioned painting: The Long Island City Pepsi Cola Sign.

Pepsi Sign Painting Source Image by Borbay

This was the source image… however, this exact view does not exist.

Long Island City Pepsi Sign Photograph by Borbay

Moved several times, the sign now sits directly in front of a luxury development (with a slight, peculiar and deliberate cantilevered facade).

Long Island City Pepsi Sign Photograph by Borbay

This is about as close as you can get to a shot from behind today…

Pepsi Sign Painting Background Source Image by Borbay

So I took a few dozen cityscape shots… and this one felt the best, so I Photoshopped the sign in and off we went.

Pepsi Sign Painting Process by Borbay

Kicking things off with a very basic sky/city divide.

Pepsi Sign Painting Process by Borbay

I went right in with a cadmium red under painting, and, of course, the Pepsi Cola sign with an RGB-mixed black.

Pepsi Sign Painting Process by Borbay

Setting the stage in the foreground… greens and green blues… several hues, which will eventually become cohesive with the rest of the canvas.

Pepsi Sign Painting Process by Borbay

Big step… heavy work. Focusing on a primary darker swatch slanted across the center. I’m a sucker for major bright beams projecting from peaks… in this instance, the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings.

Pepsi Sign Painting Process by Borbay

At this stage, it’s about defining buildings one at at time. There was also an exploration of how the tonal shifts were reflected in the sign itself with a deep red-to-RGB/black gradient.

Pepsi Sign Painting Process by Borbay

This is one of those phases where the hours fly by and the visual progress feels minimal… particularly when addressing so many small buildings.

Pepsi Sign Painting Process by Borbay

Empire State painted… a wholesale tonal shift in the sky helped make the background recede accordingly.

Coraline in the Studio

This makes my studio time amazing… Coraline, helping Daddy at the easel.

Pepsi Sign Painting Process by Borbay

I really wanted to detail the UN, so I applied ever-so-subtle stripes of contrasting tonal shifts.

Pepsi Sign Painting Process by Borbay

Right down to the wire, taking notes, figuring the final moves, including the biggest of them all… the addition of trees in the foreground.

Pepsi Sign Long Island City Painting by Borbay

Boom! Green trees become seasonal, and we are completed. Thank you Katinka, Nelson and Celestial for the commission — I hope you love living with this painting.

Coraline in LIC
Coraline loves Long Island City, btdubs…

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